HumoAir promotes tourism in Uzbekistan
30 August 2023


HumoAir starts its internal flights from November 2023. At the first stage it is planned to launch internal flights from Tashkent to eight destinations, from 2024 new flights will connect the countries of Central Asia, and in the future the route network will expand to countries around the world.

On the list of top internal destinations:

  • Nukus
  • Samarkand
  • Bukhara
  • Urgench (Khiva)
  • Termez
  • Fergana
  • Namangan
  • Karshi.

HumoAir supports the plans of the head of state Shavkat Mirziyoyev to promote tourism. According to the President’s report, the country’s income from tourism already exceeds $1 billion, and this figure is planned to increase by three to four times due to the growth of internal tourism and attraction of foreign visitors. Therefore, the authorities plan to introduce VAT refund on purchases of tourists from other countries, to create routes “Golden Ring of the Valley” and “Ring of Fortresses”, to open new hotels and guest houses, to improve the infrastructure.

HumoAir, for its part, will support tourism with affordable ticket prices, increasing the number of flights and destinations in Uzbekistan. These measures will make it easier to get around the country and save time on the road! Additionally, HumoAir expects to become a participant of the state program on cashback for citizens traveling in Uzbekistan.

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